Aaron Ak – Interview

Aaron goes by the name of Aaron Ak who is a Birmingham based rapper/singer & songwriter – He is originally born and bred from London however. 28 years old! Have been making music for a few years but over the last 18 months has really pursed his musical career and taken a much more serious route with it after making freestyles and music videos over 2020 & now 2021. Music is a way of communication and connecting with people and that’s what he wants to achieve with his music he has released by displaying this in a versatile way whether it be singing or rapping. He has released his debut 6 track EP over the summer of 2021 called ‘The Level UP’ EP. & many more singles & visuals to come towards the end of the year.
Tell us a bit about your upbringing and background, and how it’s reflected in your persona as an artist?
Upbringing has not been the easiest, having moved from London To Birmingham as a young kid whilst my parents separated. Also going in & out of hospital having issues with my feet & legs which not many people at all know about. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for myself but its good to acknowledge the pain & memories I had as a young kid. Having to start over again with finding new friends, school, education everything. But I feel as though I am in a better place then I have ever been mentally & physically and without what has happened in the past – the person I am today would not be here.
Can you recall your earliestt memories of music, and who do you consider your main influences?
Listening to 50 Cent, Eminem, G-Unit – American Rap & Hiphop was a heavy factor and influence for when I first started listening to music however My Main influences to my music are life itself – certain events & situation’s that have happened/happening help me channel my feelings and emotions into music which is one of the main reasons I choose to make music.
At which point did you decide to pursue music as a vocation, and what support and encouragement did you receive?
Over the course of lockdown – so the last 18-20 months. I felt I have had time to sit down and really think about where I see myself and where I can possibly take my music. I have always had a love for music but have never thought to take it further or to pursue it as a career/life long goal. I feel like timing is key and I am now more understanding of music as a whole.
What are some of your best songs that you have released so far, and that represent you best?
The Lowdown which is on Link Up TV – this was a song to show people that I am back and better then ever before. Giving people the lowdown was key to my journey and represents me as an artist who can sing and rap in different tones/melodies. Also, my single ‘Evolved’ which is my latest single out – the music video is out on 14/10/21 on my own YouTube channel. This is a grime hit which has made me take it back to the original routes of grime, where my music first all started
Are there any messages, lessons or advice that you feel passionately to express through music, or perhaps share with us all now?
100% For sure, Music is something I enjoy on a daily basis, whether it being happy, sad, angry, lonely. It covers all emotions & I feel very passionately about expressing a certain message or story for when making music. Music should always be kept authentic & real. Because the people will then understand your journey and you as a person more.
Having the ability to sing and rap makes you unique to others. How do you incorporate both skills in to your music, is there a different approach to the creative process?
Yes & No. I have always done rap from the beginning. But only over the last few years I have started singing on my songs too. I love to sing & sometimes even prefer to sing than rap! I have tried to train my voice by myself so I can make music that is different to other artists. I feel being unique and different is what stands myself out to other artists. I don’t want to be known as a one trick pony, but someone who can do abit of everything if needed.
You released the ‘The Level Up’ EP earlier this year. How did that come to fruition, what does the project represent, and what can people expect to hear from it?
‘The Level UP’ was released over the summer of 2021. This was project I had put together during the back end of 2020 and beginning of 2021. I wanted to release an EP/project of a cluster of different songs for the people/fans who have been supporting me on my journey – The genres are all varied as I wanted to showcase my capabilities to people who would hear it. The Level Up title was about me taking my music to the next step and infact ‘levelling up’ or being ‘better’ then I was before so that is how the idea came about.
Outside of music, what are your hobbies and interests. Is there anything you would like to combine with your music content?
I love to socialise with friends and family, especially now that we can! I’m a massive football fan (Liverpool Fan) & also abit of a lowkey gamer! I like to go on holidays and for meals. I like to think of myself as someone who is willing to try new things and explore – life is too short after all!
What are some of your proudest moments and achievements so far in music?
Releasing my debut EP was a personal proud moment for myself as I had never put together a project before all by myself. Also being playlisted on BBC Asian Network during April/March 2021. This was more of a shock then expected. But something I look back on & feel very pleased about.
You’ve released an EP this year. And have several music videos and freestyles on YouTube already. Can we expect more from you in the coming months?
Yes for sure! The year may be drawing to a finish but I certainly am not! I have a music video for my single ‘Evolved’ out within the next week with a bunch of singles that I have ready to release. I am just arranging release dates for them and will be hoping to try work on a few collaborations till the end of the year now!
Can we get your opinion on the UK music scene at the moment, who are you feeling right now, and who would you like to collaborate with?
The UK music scene right now is popping and doing better than it ever has! I am happy to see the UK be where it is and the growth has been pretty admirable. It can only get better and bigger! I feel there are a lot of artists who are doing well & maybe one day something could come to fruition! The likes of MIST, Jaykae, Ed Sheeran, Ghetts.. The list goes on!
What are your goals and ambitions heading towards the end of the year, where do you see yourself this time next year?
I want to put more regular content out there, and recently have started my own Instagram series called #verseoftheweek. This is simply me recording and freestyling a new verse each Sunday over any beat I find, whether it being grime, rap, hiphop or drill. Also trying to work on a few collaborations and getting myself prepared for hopefully another big year
Lastly, any shout outs and where can people find you online?
For sure – I want to shout out everyone who has supported me from the start, my friends, my family & also people who are willing to give me a chance & take time to listen to my music, without you guys I would not be where I am today. My socials are are listed below
Follow Aaron Ak Online:
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music | Amazon Music | Email: aaron3093@hotmail.co.uk
‘The Level Up’ EP is out now on all major streaming platforms!
Amazon Music | Apple Music | Spotify
Stream/Purchase Aaron Ak’s new single ‘Evolved’ out now! Amazon Music | Apple Music | Spotify
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Bandcamp | Email: deathkissmedia@live.co.uk
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