Definition of a Rebel – Ghetts

Ghetts returns for the build up to his forthcoming album “Rebel With A Cause”, and brings you “Definition of a Rebel”, and introduction to the album in which he gives you a deep, lyrical, and well thought out poetic spoken word piece, in which he takes in the surroundings, and talks about himself and the reason why he left the game for a bit.
The visuals are artistic and directed by Ghetts himself along with Isaac Densu. Music is composed by Jaymoezart who makes a great job of complimenting Ghetts poetry, and making it sound epic and intriguing.
Check it out now and leave your thoughts and opinions . . .
Definition of a Rebel – Introduction to the Album Rebel With a Cause, #RWAC by Ghetts.
[The Cypher out 28.07.13] – Pre-Order on iTunes
JOIN THE REBELLION – Get your official GiiG and REBEL Clothing available at
Follow Ghetts : @Ghettsofficial
Directed by : Ghetts + Isaac Densu
DOP : @elminodagreat
Edited by: @elminodagreat
Produced by : Isaac Densu
Creative + Design : Matt “Sketchy” Thorne
Executive Production : DISRUPT
Music Composed by: Jaymoezart
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