Hip-Hop vs R&B Special – Friday 10th May @ East Village

The Doctor’s Orders Hip-Hop vs R&B Special – Friday 10th May @ East Village
9pm-330am Friday 10th May 2013
@ East Village, 89 Great Eastern St, London EC2A 3HX
Tickets £5 in advance // £8 on the door
Please bring valid photo ID!
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/458848157525401/
Shortee Blitz (Kiss FM) Back 2 Back with Mr Thing
In 3 hour Hip-Hop vs R&B set
Spin Doctor
DJ Lok
& Chris P Cuts
As always The Doctor’s Orders is all about party! Tonight we go all out with a Hip-Hop vs R&B special.
Kiss FM’s, MOBO award winning DJ Shortee Blitz is as adept at tearing up a dance-floor with such soul drenched sounds as he is Hip-Hop. He will be tearing through everything from 90’s Teddy Riley produced classics to Beyonce bangers while resident Mr Thing keeps to his well loved Hip-Hop bangers as they go back to back for three hours in our Hip-Hop vs R&B special.
Keeping the theme alive Spin Doctor & guest DJ LoK will also be showing off their smoother sides with special R&B sets while Chris P Cuts does what he does best spinning selections of Hip-Hop from classic boom bap to brand new trill making sure that all heads are left nodding and asses left shaking!
Tickets and Details
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