Lemzi – LFV:IV A Few Words (All For Won)

Lemzi returns with his latest LemziFreebie, with a new mixtape called ‘LFV:IV A Few Words (All For Won)’. The mixtape features some soulfully driven Hip Hop tracks, starting with the intro ‘Atmosphere’ which features lyricism from Lemzi as he promotes togetherness and unity. Lemzi delivers a spoken word piece coinciding with vocals from Umaymah on a production by Ahmed Moe. Lemzi delivers some Jazz/Blues vibes with tracks like ‘Haruka (Me)’, rhyming about trying to break free of corruption, slavery especially mentally, and to drive towards a better life, and also ‘Saxophone (Can You Hear This)’ as he rhymes over a De La Soul’s ‘Ring Ring Ring’, jazzy swing boom bap instrumental with a predominant saxophone instrument, as Lemzi draws A Tribe Called Quest in to the equation for the catchy hook. Lemzi emphasizes the teachings he has picked up from many Hip Hop legends, from Biggie to 50 Cent as he hones his all-round skills from flows to lyrical substance, always perfecting and change his styles and flows to make the crowd swing. Lemzi swings on the beat with fantastic flow as he kicks wicked rhymes.
The mixtape also features some moving tracks like ‘Power (People Are)’ featuring Canadian Rapper Dialect as they rhyme over a production by Agent Of Change, as the two spit over an uplifting yet melancholy Hip Hop instrumental with Gospel feel, both speaking of peace, unity, and urging people to stop the violence. If ever there was poetry in motion this is it, as both also flow freely and smoothly over the beat. Another powerful track is ‘Test Of Time (Us)’ featuring Rukea on an atmospheric, breezy R&B instrumental by Tone The Backbone and Erykah Badu, as Rukea lends her soulful voice, as Lemzi’s lyrics depict a relationship between himself and his girlfriend that are going through tough times, finding it hard to find similarities amongst differences, dealing with both families not liking them being together, yet the more they stick it out they surely will become stronger, hence standing the test of time.
Lemzi’s story telling skills shine through on ‘Lifestylez (We Cry)’ and a three pat story called ‘Worldliness’. The former features Lemzi taking an urban acoustic beat from The Script, rhyming about kids that are stuck in a cycle of violence, as he spits about a kid witnessing his brother being killed, a woman learning the hard way as she lived life dangerously, and paid the heavy price. Then Lemzi rhymes about the breakup in his own relationship, emphasizing that we all cry together and that feelings of sadness are only temporary.
The latter of the two tracks, ‘Worldliness’, is a three-part story, Psycho Story, about a guy that went from being bullied to hunting the bullies down as he contemplates killing, as Lemzi constantly uses the word victim to emphasize that the psycho is still the victim, product of the bully. No Place Like Home is the second story which is involves an abusive relationship between a mother and father, with the son becoming frustrated and angered by the father’s action, protecting his mother to her own dismay, placing her love in the wrong character in the end. This story represents dysfunctional families and emphasizes the tragic cycle that will carry on. The last story is called Going The Distance, with Lemzi taking on the role of a kid with aspergers, delivering stammering vocals as he delves in to the mind a bullied boy because he seems different to the rest, and Lemzi paints a vivid picture, however saddening, of this kid being bullied by ignorant kids, going through turmoil from wishing he was dead, to thinking of his grandmother who loved him for him, and no-one stepping in. This has to be one of the more touching songs overall on the mixtape, and his features Lemzi giving insight and his own introspective on the injustice in the world.
Check out the whole mixtape below, which also features much more tracks like a superb display of varying flows from Lemzi on Cubic 360 Cypher Bars as he kills it with the rapid flows over differing instrumentals, as well as Lemzi’s introspective lyricism and moving story telling, and leave us your feedback in the comments section below . . .
Lemzi Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lemziartistofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lemziartist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lemziartist/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lemziartist
Mixtapes: www.audiomack.com/artist/lemzi
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