Swift Kirabo spits knowledge over a haunting, piano driven, string laden Hip Hop beat. Swift raps about the realities of road life, and addresses the negative situations people have bought on themselves. Kirabo lays down the truth, without coming across preachy, he manages to educate and open eyes with his lyrics. The chorus on Real Gangster helps amplify Swift’s message, despite being whispered, its has a powerful effect on the listener. It I necessary for more UK artists to take this path lyrically, and help the youth of the impoverished and downtrodden break the cycle of struggle and crime inflicted on one another. Songs like this will help bring positivity back into the new wave UK rap scene. That is the only way we can be successful and reach wider audiences. Salute to Swift Kirabo for the realness. Big tune! Check out the cool visuals from Rap City, capturing the bleakness of the “hood”, while making the backdrop look artistic. Leave us your views in the comments section below…
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