Tierz – Interview

Describe your sound in 3 words…
Squeeky, Real, Mainstream
Tell us something random about yourself?
I am a complete time freak
So how did it all begin? When did you first get into performing/music?
It started at thirteen years old when my parents separated, school life and family life got a bit crazy and my nan said to write down how i feel in a letter, with the inspiration of artists i was listening to the letter started to become a story that had a flow and so i became a bedroom rapper then the rest is history
What’s your earliest musical memory?
Performing in Brixton my first gig
Who would you say your main influences are?
Eminem and Professor Green
What artist have you worked with or any collabs in the pipeline?
Dappy, Benny Banks, Paigey Cakey, Xzibit, Mobb Deep Demerick, John Peppard, Baby Blue
Who is your favorite performer and who would you like to collaborate with?
My favorite artist is Professor green, I’d love to collaborate with him, also Krept and Konan and G Fresh all of them are very good at their craft and would love to be able to work with them all one day
What have you been listening to recently?
G Fresh Falling High
What are your top 3 tunes of the moment?
Eminem Rap God, G Fresh Falling High, Tierz Hero
What up coming artists would you recommend?
Modulation, M Dot R, Hipman Junkie
Any advice for up and coming artists/performers?
Go get it, don’t be afraid of what might happen, be afraid of what you don’t make happen
Are there things you would like to see change or improve within the industry/music biz?
Yes for the music industry to give talent a chance, the music industry is more about how many followers an artist has rather than the talent, i see artists perform at shows on a regular basis that in my opinion are a notch above a lot that are signed but have no interest from record labels and A&R scouts, the social media scene has really had a big impact on the way labels and other music professionals see unsigned talent
When did you make the decision to start pursuing music as an actual career?
From the age of 14 I started writing tracks (they wasn’t the best) that would rhyme and gain applaud from friends and family, at the time I had a lot going on in my life with school family friends and the music helped me make sense of a lot of situations I found myself in, that was the point I realized I was going to push my music to higher levels.
So have you got goals and ambitions outside of music?
No, music is plan a to z
You’ve dedicated a lot of your time to music and a lot of people are very grateful for
that! What is it about music that keeps you coming back for more?
The buzz, when I perform in front of crowds no matter how big or small, I get the best feeling in the world, also recording a new track from start to finish the track is always developing due to emotion and the inspiration of who I am working with whether it be producers or collabs the inspiration is a big factor to strive for that great track, I spend a lot of time rehearsing for shows and to see the tracks elevate first hand with live performances from rehearsals is an exciting transition I feel lucky to have that in my career.
What do you look forward to the most about playing live/making music?
The crowd as an artist no matter how big or small you can never guarantee the exact reaction of the crowd, or if the technician on the night will make a mistake or your dj or even band, so every gig is different and so that is exciting having to wing it in some circumstances the pretence and unsure circumstances are a buzz
What have been some of the best moments of your musical career/ journey so far?
Wow what a question, I have been lucky enough to have been played on bbc introducing and perform at some of the best venues in the country, but my best moment in my career so far was to have my sister watching me perform at the O2 they were so proud and that was a big thing for me to have them there, love them to pieces
Can you tell us about some of the ideas behind your tracks?
Yes my tracks have always been started on a blank piece of paper, when I write I never have a definite direction of what kind of way I want the track to go, it depends on what frame of mind I’m in (Which can be a bad move in some cases) the idea of my music and me as an artist is to be able to associate with people that listen to my music and hopefully be an inspiration to them
How do you approach the transition from finished studio recordings to live performance?
I get instrumentals sent across to me from my producer and work on a rough idea regarding lyrics, then hit the studio and work around the track from start to finish with them
What music can we look forward to from you in the next year?
An ep which will be available from mid 2015
Where can we catch you performing over the next few months?
London and beyond all gigs are available on my website https://www.musicglue.com/tierz/upcoming-events/
What do you hope/plan to achieve in the next year?
I hope to perform at festivals big shows collaborate with other artists and to gain a recording contract with a record label in the states with the backing of followers get at me on twitter @Tierzofficial Facebook Tierz and Instagram Tierzofficial #Teamtierz #Smilingtothetop
Check out Tierz’ massive performance at the O2, Islington, supporting Dappy
* Photography by Money Baggs
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