UK Hip Hop – DON’T FLOP – Tony D Vs Deffinition

DON’T FLOP – Rap Battle – Tony D Vs Deffinition [TITLE MATCH]
Great Don’t Flop battle between @TonyDPoison Vs @DeffinitionMC Two different rappers in terms of style and not just because of the north/south divide in geographical origins. Tony comes at Deff like he’s on a mission to end his life with words! Deffinition took a more comical approach. Great delivery, punch lines and impressions, but didn’t come off quite how he wanted…. Tony was fire the whole way through, may have scared Deffinition a bit maybe lol. I reckon Tony won quite comfortably in the end, but on another day and with another bag of confidence Deff might have made this a closer run thing. Watch the video below and let us know what you think…
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