DONT FLOP | Drops | Quill

Don’t Flop caught a mad, nah wait, MUUAAAAADDDD freestyle from battle rapper Quill for their Don’t Flop Drops sessions. Quill tears up the ambient, deep and dark Spanish guitar backing track going at the bars with fire, simulation the heat the instru encaptures. Quill demonstrates his epic, poetical lyricism, sounding like an even more intelligent Eminem, stringing words together in a seamlessly effortless meandering manner. The freestyle is a pleasure to listen to, so different from other rappers around. Quill literally spits flames, the lyrics start with the MC describing a scene from a hospital bed, having inflicted third degree burns, but it seems the culprit was himself all along, with Quill being totally responsible for lighting up the joint. Its this double meaning to the concept, that sets a rapper like Quill aside from many MCs, the guy is superbly talented. Check out the epic rhymes and leave us your feedback below…
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