MSL- Pull up [Produced by @Sakezmusic X @Kraykobain] @infamosmslsly1

It’s been a while since we checked in with MSL, and he has just recently released brand new banger ‘Pull Up’, produced by Sakez Music and Kray Kobain. MSL doesn’t disappoint as he obliterates a hypnotic, atmospheric trap beat with terrific fast-flowing bars, aggressively delivered. MSL sprays introspective lyrics that explore his mental state over the years, and developing into a grafter and a beast with the music, rightfully boasting his superior skills. The chorus is quite literally a gas, catchy and stands out, leaving MSL to mission to devour the beat, and which he accomplishes. This track is fire!
Watch the video, by Kai Shoots via Link Up TV, below and leave your feedback in the comments section.
Twitter: @infamosmslsly1
Instagram: Infamosmsl1
Visuals By @KaiShoots
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