

deathkissmedialogowide lips jpeg

DEATH KISS MEDIA are DKS/Death Kiss Squadron (artist/beat smith/ blogger/promoter), Spexx23 (video producer/blogger/promoter) & Critical (artist/promoter). We blog for (Grime – HipHop/Rap – RnB/Urban/EDM) as well as on our own website


We are three individuals, very passionate about music and the various creative mediums of media that accompany it. We are making music a way of life for ourselves and we are intent on helping others to do the same.


Established in late 2012, artist DKS and brother Spexx23 teamed up to focus their skills towards a common goal. Which as it happens involves both their love of music. In January 2013 Death Kiss Media officially started blogging for former company UK Flow Mag on the grime/utrban/hiphop sections of the website. Giving themselves a chance to share music of the most talented artists around with the rest of the world. Picking up experience in the art of blogging we formed a new organization – Death Kiss Media. Here we have been able to channel our skills and hone our creative writing to bring you in depth reviews and articles about the best music and artists this side of the Atlantic.


Along with our sister site UK Flow Zone and working within the internet radio scene with UK Flow Mag, the #FlowZone freestyles concept was born and Death Kiss Media are now filming artist all around Hertfordshire and London doing their live thing in front of the camera. Capturing the artists “warts & all” in their absolute rawest state, but capturing the audio in its purest form also.


With the wheels in motion, discovering new acts/music and bringing them to your attention, as well as building an extensive portfolio of video production, Death Kiss Media aim to be as big as the likes of SBTV, Link Up TV and GRM Daily. We provide visuals that fit perfectly with any artists’ sound or art form and give such talented people a platform to showcase their skills. Not only do we make high quality videos but we also offer promotional services, and blog/write about the music we are so fond of. We don’t just blog, we are focusing collective talents and energies into helping the UK music scene grow!
