We shoot, direct, edit, capturing real talent in stunning HD, filming freestyles and cyphers, live performances, interviews, promo events and more! We conceptualise your idea and provide great visuals to compliment them perfectly. Then we edit them and add the finishing touches to make your product look as professional as your rivals and easy to promote your brand.
Visual Editing:
Finishing editing of your captured visuals, with cuts, sequencing, titles, artwork and logos or anything else a client may require
We write about the music we hold passion for and promote music and news of the most relevance and importance to the general public. Its important for us to share only the best music and talents as that’s what people want from a top music magazine. We hold the same standards on our Death Kiss Media Mag/Blog here within this website. If its great we will feature and share it via our websites/social media outlets we work on. We write reviews, feature events, interview artists, and feature news articles. Aspiring journalists in the making
With DKS (one of our founders) actually being a vocalist/producer and members of #TeamDeathKiss also dabbling in production and rapping, we are proud to offer music production, songwriting, features, jingles and custom chorus recording as part of our variety of services.
We will host your video on any of our relevant channels as well as sharing and promoting your video to ur followers on all of our social networks.
We at Death Kiss Media dabble in digital artwork/design too, creating our own logo’s and artwork for our music and video releases. We provide economically affordable designs for banners, social networks and flyers or album/single release artwork.
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