My name is Jamie AKA Death Kiss Squadron (DKS).
I make music. I produce and Rap/Sing.
I can also DJ, but I don’t like to brag
I am the music video sound man or technician if you want to be exact
with the terminology (but sound man sounds cooler!).
I assist my brother and the main man behind videos here at Death Kiss Media.
I capture the best/most clear audio when shooting freestyles, live performances and interviews for #Flowzone and help with audio editing in the production stages of the process.
I also assist with the story boarding, directing, set up on music video shoots.
I blog for and write articles/reviews for Death Kiss Media also.
It gives me great pleasure to share all the best music and events of unsigned/signed artists, giving them a platform to showcase their talents and provide another outlet to share their music /creative skills. The likes of which were hard to come by when I was a bit younger getting into music creatively.
It is paramount that UK artists stick together. We all have our hopes and dreams, I would love to be the next Jay Z, but i get a lot of enjoyment form helping other artists reach their potential and gain exposure to a wider audience. Maybe I could still be the next Jay Z but as the head of Death Kiss Squadron Recordings…..
The reason I co-founded Death Kiss Media was not a career move, but a way to help the underground scene grow. Too many other companies say they wish to do the same but only invest time in the already successful artists. They show more support to the people with multimillion pound record deals already. Death Kiss Media aim to help the non mainstream go mainstream or as Techn9ne put it, “Make The Mainstream Go Us”. This can only be achieved by working together and showing the UK label bosses that underground music can be popular. It does have a fanbase. Lets make that grow by supporting one another!
Its the team work philosophy that inspires me to support up and coming artists and with the services Death Kiss Media provide, we can help others reach their goals. As a nation (of musicians) we stand. Divided we fall (or find it bloody hard to progress!). You with us? Lets get this poppin!
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